Ottawa, Ont. [March 30, 2012]
The Federal Budget released by the Minister of Finance Jim Flaherty on Thursday afternoon outlined two commitments that will further strengthen the hog industry. The budget looks at:
- intensifying Canada’s pursuit of new and deeper trading relationships, particularly with large, dynamic and fast-growing economies.
- implementing the Action Plan on Perimeter Security and Economic Competitiveness and the Action Plan on Regulatory Cooperation, which will facilitate trade and investment flows with the United States.
“The Canadian swine industry is very supportive of expanding trade and cooperation activities that would help to improve the trading climate and competiveness of Canadian pork” stated CPC’s chair Jean-Guy Vincent “We are very supportive of the Canadian governments trade agenda and look forward to the successful completion of the trade agreements with the European Union, Japan and South Korea in the near future”
In cooperation with the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association (CCA), the CPC has been engaged in the Canada-United States Regulation Cooperation Council (RCC) since its formation last year. The RCC highlights the importance of regulatory cooperation in areas such as: the implementation of electronic export certificates for meat and live animals crossing the US/Canada border; the harmonization of the approval process for veterinary drugs, and; the mutual recognition of zoning systems and veterinary equivalency.
Opening markets is of critical importance to the Canadian pork industry. Canadian pork exports in 2011 exceeded 3.2 billion dollars. Live swine exports contributed another 400 million dollars to Canada’s merchandise trade account. Almost two-thirds of Canada’s pork production is exported. With constantly changing conditions of export competition – exchange rates, agricultural policy and technical barriers to name a few – Canada’s pork producers are extremely concerned that Canada not fall behind the United States and other competitors in terms of access acquired through regional trade agreements.
The CPC serves as the national voice for hog producers in Canada. A federation of nine provincial pork industry associations, our organization’s purpose is to play a leadership role in achieving and maintaining a dynamic and prosperous Canadian pork sector.
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For more information, contact:
Gary Stordy
Public Relations Manager
Canadian Pork Council
613-236-9239 Ext. 277
The Canadian Pork Council is optimistic about the government’s commitment to help the industry eliminate or reduce unnecessary regulatory divergences between Canada and the United States, and expand pork sales to new and existing markets around the world.