(Ottawa, ON) June 19, 2012­– The Canadian Pork Council (CPC) is pleased to learn that Canada has been invited to participate in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).  The successful completion of these trade talks can significantly enhance long term market possibilities for Canadian pork.

“The continuous efforts to open new and existing markets by the federal government will increase export opportunities for Canadian pork,” stated CPC’s Chair Jean-Guy Vincent.  “A seat at the TPP negotiation table is an opening for Canada to secure long term market development opportunities, and to enhance its terms of trade with free trade agreement partners, who are, or wish to be TPP participants.

“The Pacific region is comprised of many economically emerging countries that are experiencing significant growth in both per capita incomes and population. These conditions generally lead to rapid increases in consumption and importation of meat products,” added Vincent.  “Many of Canada fastest growing pork export markets are in this region and pork exports to its top ten Pacific Asian markets, in addition to Japan, have quadrupled over the past ten years to now exceed $600 million on an annual basis.”

Export access is of crucial importance to the Canadian pork industry.  Canadian pork exports in 2011 exceeded $3.2 billion and about two-thirds of Canada pork production is exported.  With constantly changing conditions of export competition  exchange rates, agricultural policy and technical barriers – Canada’s pork producers  are extremely concerned that Canada does not fall behind the United States and to other competitors in terms of access acquired through regional trade agreements.  The CPC is thus very supportive of the federal government’s current pro-trade agenda, seeking improved terms of trade for Canada through agreements with the European Union, Japan, South Korea and now, the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

The CPC serves as the national voice for hog producers in Canada. A federation of nine provincial pork industry associations, our organization’s purpose is to play a leadership role in achieving and maintaining a dynamic and prosperous Canadian pork sector.

For more information, contact:
Gary Stordy
Public Relations Manager
Canadian Pork Council
613-236-9239 Ext. 277


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