Ottawa, May 3, 2012— Ottawa Canadian Pork Council’s Chair, Jean-Guy Vincent and Canada Pork International’s President, Jacques Pomerleau appeared before the House of Commons Standing Committee on International Trade this morning as witnesses to the committee’s study on a comprehensive and high level economic partnership agreement (EPA) with Japan.

“We fully support the government’s trade agenda and recognize the work Minister Ritz, Minister Fast and his predecessors have done to improve market access for pork and other agriculture products,” stated CPC’s Chair, Jean-Guy Vincent.  “However, we need to finalize the FTA with South Korea before we completely lose our market share in Korea while pursuing the FTA with Japan.  Completing these two free trade agreements will have an immediate and significant impact on the Canadian pork sector.”

CPI’s President, Jacques Pomerleau informed the committee members that the Japanese market is extremely important for all Canadian pork industry stakeholders with sales in 2011 of 219,000 tonnes valued at $894 million.  This represents approximately 20% of total Canadian exports by volume but almost 28% in value.  Mr. Pomerleau also stated that, “the Canadian hog industry estimates that a successful economic agreement with Japan could increase Canadian pork exports to Japan by 20% to well past $1billion a year.”

“Increased market access through various free trade agreements allows our industry to market different parts of the animal for the best price. This results in a stronger and more flexible industry, where all parts of the value chain can have a return on their investment,” added Mr. Vincent.

The CPC serves as the national voice for hog producers in Canada. A federation of nine provincial pork industry associations, our organization’s purpose is to play a leadership role in achieving and maintaining a dynamic and prosperous Canadian pork sector. 

Media Contact:
Gary Stordy
Manager, Public Relations
Canadian Pork Council
(t) (613) 236-9239 ext 277


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